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There are news sites around that just live by copying other news outlet content. Most are well unknown but maybe we should blacklist them since they usually exist just to steal ad revenue, other times they are a nuisance for showing up near original sites.

There are news sites around that just live by copying other news outlet content. Most are well unknown but maybe we should blacklist them since they usually exist just to steal ad revenue, other times they are a nuisance for showing up near original sites.
* MSN / Microsoft Start: — this is bad since it's so famous and indexed more than original sources, but it's a JavaScript-heavy webapp that makes the content impossible to archive without copy-pasting, takes 10 seconds to load an article, and doesn't directly link to the original article (but credits the source well)
* CISO2CISO.COM - CYBERSECURITY CISO CYBER CISO2CISO: — badly organized, terrible thumbnails full of text; at least it links to source URLs, but doesn't even check what content it publishes, and hotlinks images instead of rehosting them, that can be seen for example in BleepingComputer articles which present an anti-hotlink message:
* Creative Collaboration Blog: — Apparently copypastes article without any kind of credit, and without any edits; one can see that an article was stolen by not only comparing the text with the original, but seeing how images are hotlinked. Comments mentioning the plagiarism and asking for answers are suppressed in minutes. Example: