wewewe718's QR & Barcode Scanner / Ad-free QR & Barcode Scanner, it's an ad-free, open-source (Unlicense) scanner app for Android:
wewewe718's QR & Barcode Scanner / Ad-free QR & Barcode Scanner, it's an ad-free, open-source (Unlicense) scanner app for Android:
* https://github.com/wewewe718/QrAndBarcodeScanner
* https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.example.barcodescanner/
* https://appgallery.huawei.com/#/app/C102717909
Has a too generic package name so it's disappeared from Google Play, and in general hard to find. Better save it, it's too good, uses the ZXing scanning library and supports reading and creating a lot of formats.